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Click on any of the photos on this page to view a larger version of the photo. There were so many orbs (caused by lens refractions, dust particles, etc.) found in the photographs taken in the jail, that we do not mention them individually in this section of the investigation report. See the Unusual Photos section of this report for information about those photographs and any other odd photo anomalies.


This upstairs Hallway and the 2nd floor in general are where many visitors to the Marshall's House experience the apparition of either a male child or a woman dressed in period clothing. The painting featured in the 2nd row from the top is of Mr. Waldo. His painting was moved to this location, away from the painting of Mrs. Waldo in the Parlor, due to paranormal activity that happened whenever the two paintings were hung in the same room.
See the Background section of this investigation report for more details on the Waldo paintings. The dried flower featured in the 3rd row from the top was found on the Hallway floor. We located a bowl of dried flowers in the Master Bedroom, providing us with a natural explanation for the appearance of the flower. See the Strange Events section of this investigation report for details.

NOTE: On the investigation map there is a doorway that leads from the Upstairs Hallway into the Jail Hallway. When the 1859 Jail was operational, this doorway did not exist. The Marshall's House and the Jail were built to be separate but adjacent buildings. They would never have included a doorway that led directly from the Jail into the Marshall's family quarters. This doorway was added much later, perhaps when the buildings were being used as storage or a mattress factory.

This room was the Master Bedroom of the Marshall's House and has seen its share of strange events and tragedy. In 1866 a Deputy Marshall was shot and died in this room during an attempt by gunmen to break a friend out of the 1859 Jail. A former director of the museum had an experience in this room that caused him to never come alone to the 2nd floor of the house.
Though asked many times, the former director would never tell anyone exactly what had happened to cause him to be so fearful of this room. See the Background section of this investigation report for more details about both these stories.

The Childrens Bedroom is a small little bedroom directly next to the Master Bedroom. We did not find any paranormal reports specifically tied to this room, though many of the paranormal reports from the Marshall's House are attributed to the 2nd Floor in general.

Like the Childrens Bedroom, the North Bedroom is probably the location of some of the paranormal activity that is attributed to the 2nd floor of the Marshall's House in general.
But specific to the North Bedroom is a tendency for the bed covers to be messed up and pulled down in the morning, despite being neatly made at the time the 1859 Jail Museum is locked up for the night. See the Background section of this investigation report for more details. Edward and Valerie performed a vigil in this room and the Hallway just outside this room, resulting in the wide variety of photographs we have of this area.

Though the 2nd floor of the 1859 Jail now has wood floors, it originally had a gridwork of iron bands riveted together for a floor. This allowed guards to see all parts of the jail despite where they were located. It also allowed the wood stove on the 1st floor to provide some heat to the 2nd floor. At one time, the entire eastern end of this room had no floor at all, for this was where an iron set of stairs ascended from the 1st floor of the jail. Its was from the railing of this gap that at least six prisoners were hung until dead. The original gap is marked on the map below....
See the Background section of this investigation report for more details. This is the first year that this 2nd floor of the 1859 Jail will be open to the public, and Ghost Vigil investigators were some of the first people (other than the museum staff) to see this area in many years. Up until now the only portions of the 1859 Jail where the public could encounter possible paranormal activity have been on the 1st floor. I have a feeling that with the 2nd floor of the jail opening up, the museum staff will begin receiving reports of paranormal encounters on this floor of the jail as well.

This is a photograph taken in the southeast cell, marked Cell #9 on our investigation map. Most of the cells on the 2nd floor of the jail are currently used for storage. In any one of them you're likely to find odd pieces of furniture, carefully wrapped books, boxes, unused museum displays, and even the mannequin of a child. Due to these ancient dusty items, the jail cells on the 2nd floor had an atmosphere somewhat different than the 1st floor cells.

This is the center cell on the north side of the 2nd floor of the 1859 Jail, and Cell #11 on our investigation map. This room had shelves full of wrapped books. Despite the psychological impact of these upstairs cells, we did not spend much time here due to the lack of paranormal reports in this area. With this area now open to the public, it will be interesting to see the nature of any paranormal activity that reportedly occurs here.

Part of the space once occupied by the 1903 jail expansion is filled with the museum's office space and archive room. Within the Archive, there is a wide collection of long guns, pistols, cannon balls, civil war bullets, lanterns, kitchen implements, quilts, tools, clothes irons, paintings, etc. Its an interesting place where your eye darts from item to item trying to take it all in...but ultimately failing to do so.

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