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We are definitely planning to do a follow-up investigation at the 1859 Jackson County Jail Museum. When that happens, here are some follow-up efforts we should consider. Not all of these will be pursued, but all of these will at least be considered by our group....


We had a fair number of strange experiences in Cell #1 (southwest cell on the 1st floor) of the 1859 Jail. It only figures that on a return visit, we would focus and redouble our efforts in that area. We will do continued vigils, photography, and EVP work in this cell.

Based on the 1982 investigation's focus on Cell #2 (the center cell on the south side of the 1st floor) we will also focus on this area as well. Since other paranormal investigation groups (past and present) have had encounters in the Jail Hallway on the 1st floor, we will continue to cover this area with a combination of vigils and stationary cameras as well. Stew has added a 4th IR camera to his quad system...which will help.


I would like to use trigger objects on both floors of the 1859 Jail. We'll confer with Lindsey Gaston about what sort of money and playing cards might have been popular with guards and prisoners alike. If we can then acquire time-period-appropriate copies of currency or card decks, we would mark their placement and video tape them throughout the night. At night's end we'll check these trigger objects for any movement.
A noose is another item that we might consider using as a trigger object. The reasons for his are discussed in more detail further down this page. I do have some ethical concerns in attempting to provoke a response by bringing a noose into the 1859 Jail. This idea will require some more discussion before we take that step.


Since the 2nd floor of the 1859 Jail will be open to the public for the first time in decades this spring and summer, we'll be interested to hear from Lindsey if visitors to the museum experience anything paranormal there. The 1st floor is the focus of all the paranormal reports within the jail over the years. But it has been the only area of the jail open to the public. We may spend some time there based on what is reported.


While we did take some base readings on our first investigation at the 1859 Jail, we steered slightly away from a purely instrument-based approach, adding more silent ghost vigils and EVP work. While this resulted in more anecdotal experiences on the part of our investigators, its limited our collection of EMF and temperature readings. For our return visit, I would like us to come up with a plan that includes observational periods...but with a careful assignment and placement of EMF meters and temperature gauges. We need to shoot for the best of both worlds, and gather data while increasing our observation time at the location.
We would specifically follow-up on the high EMF reading that Mike measured in the Archives of the museum, near where all the old hand-made quilts are stored. We would try to recreate that 2.5 reading, and check both inside and outside the building to make sure we didn't miss an extremely well-hidden natural cause for the unexplained EMF reading.


The most dramatic turn of the night occurred when Chris became more aggressive and emotional with his EVP questions. I had been asking the standard EVP questions, when Chris let loose with a dramatic question about the hangings at the 1859 Jail. It was at that moment that Stew felt a tight pressure on the back of his neck as if his neck was being squeezed. It follows that we should prepare some aggressive questions before-hand for use during EVP work at the jail.


See the Unusual Photos section of this investigation report for more details and analysis of the photo on the right. There appears to be an odd "misty" shape above (and some say behind) the black stool in the picture. The upper portions of the shape are clearly visible against the dark color of the solid iron portions of the cell door. On a follow-up investigation of the 1859 Jail we would attempt to replicate this picture with the door, stool, and photographer in the same location. We would also carefully examine the solid portion of the door for any light-colored corrosion or staining that might have caused the upper portions of the "misty" shape to appear in the photo.


During our investigation Valerie felt a "static charge" on the top of her head as she walked through the door into Cell #5. The 1982 investigation by Maurice Schwalm was inspired by the report of a LA police officer who felt a static charge as he attempted to enter Cell #5. The police officer refused to enter the cell. These two similar reports at the exact same locaton within the jail, some 24 apart are something we want to look into further. Could there be a natural cause for this static charge? What equipment can we use to detect the presence of a static charge in that area and throughout the building?


Perhaps as you read over our investigation report from the 1859 Jackson County Jail Museum, you had some ideas or suggestions of your own come to mind. Well don't waste them! Please go to our message board and offer up your suggestions for our follow-up visit to the Jail.

-Mark Stinson

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