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Please check out the Unusual Photos and Possible EVP's sections of this investigation report for unusual evidence we gathered, and our in-depth and comprehensive analysis of that evidence. This section of our investigation report deals with the one unusual event that we encountered during our investigaton of the Belton Cemetery.


It is a commonly held belief among paranormal investigators that a drop in temperature (or a "cold spot") will sometimes occur in the presence of paranormal activity or spirits. There are several theories for why this occurs. Some simply believe that ghosts are cold. Other postulate that in order to manifest, ghosts must draw energy from the area around them. This energy drain reportedly causes a drop in temperature of the air, an object, or even people.

  This investigation was the first time we had used our new TIF 7000 digital thermometer/pyrometer. Unlike a standard thermometer that takes from 30 seconds to several minutes to take an accurate reading of the air temperature, the TIF 7000 accurately measures the air temperature 3 times each second. Unlike an IR thermometer which can only measure surface temperatures and does not measure air temperature, the TIF 7000 measures the air temperature at the exact location you are holding the air probe.

Using the TIF 7000, Edward had gotten readings of 29 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit (occasionally jumping to 31 degrees) throughout our investigation. This reading held steady in low areas and high areas of the cemetery, whether the wind was blowing at that moment or not. But at 7:28 PM while in the oldest portions of the cemetery the temperature dropped to 26 degrees for the first and only time during our investigation. We snapped the following photographs during that time period...




Photos 8 and 9 were taken during the time the temperature had dropped and stayed at around 26 degrees. We took photo 9 of the broken tombstone, because we were very near this tombstone when the drop in temperature was detected by the TIF 7000. Photo 10 was taken a short time after the air temperature returned to the baseline of 29 to 30 degrees...and is a picture of Carry A. Nation's tombstone.

This is the area of the cemetery where other paranormal investigation group have recorded EVP activity and taken photographs with interesting anomalies in them. We were unable to measure any unusual EMF levels during this time, nor did anyone experience or see anything unusual. Looking over the photos we took at that time, we can find nothing of note in any of them.

One of the major problems with using "cold spots" as an indicator of paranormal activity is the fact that many paranormal investigations take place in older buildings, which tend to have uneven heat and thermodynamics, drafty windows and doors, and poor insulation. All of these factors can cause rapid temperature changes. In the case of this outdoor investigation, we are of course at the mercy of the weather and the wind.

While it is interesting that the air temperature was so consistent and steady throughout the night, except for this one isolated is possible to naturally explain this drop in air temperature as a particularly cold breeze blowing through at the right moment. For that reason, this drop in air temperature is not conclusive proof of paranormal activity at the Belton Cemetery.

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